Queries – Page 1

If you have any queries you would like answered
on the philately or postal history of the area
please e-mail them to:-
Roger Johnson

They will be displayed on these pages together with any answers obtained.

Latest queries first - ** indicates a response has been posted

25. Sarawak SG25b or SG26b? Roger Birch

24. Another NB Postmark? Patrick Longfield
23. **NB Postmark? Patrick Longfield
22. BNB 1890 Postcard rates Jon Higgins
21. **BMA Postal Stationery used in Sarawak 1948 Ong Kuee Hong
20. **Kudat postmark of 1895 Patrick Longfield
19. **Brunei Locals - Colour trials or Proofs? Rob Myers
18. North Borneo Travelling Post Office John Doveton

17. Sarawak 1947 Crown Colony 25c without Watermark  Mark Madison
16. **"Upper Bidi" Chris Long

 **Sarawak BMA 1c Purple with "A" of BMA having missing Crossbar John Birks

14. **Sarawak Stamps postmarked TRUSAN Lawrence Tseu

13. **Sarawak Revenue Stamps Vic Darlington
12. **North Borneo 1883 50c Stamp Robert S. Cragg
11. Sarawak - Fakes, Forgeries and Phoneys Bill Batty-Smith
10. **Dubious Kudat Cancellations John Morgan
9. **Sarawak Malaya-Borneo Exhibition Stamps John Morgan
8. 1 Cent Overprints on North Borneo 8 Cent Postal Card Stephen Schumann
7. **Usage of Labuan Postal Stationery overprinted Straits Settlements Robert S Cragg
6. **Australian stamps used in Kuching, Sarawak in 1945 Alan Gory
5. **Paquebots used in the Four Territories Jon Higgins
4. North Borneo: Labuk & Sugut Cancellations Robert S Cragg
3. North Borneo: Gayah Cancellations Robert S Cragg
2. **Brooketon handstamp on stamps of Sarawak, Brunei, Labuan and North Borneo. Brian Cave
1. **The meaning of "Sabah" John Morgan