Our Society encompasses the territories of Sarawak,

Sabah/North Borneo, Labuan, and Brunei.


Publication List



The Revenue Stamps of Sarawak 1869-1969 by B Lardner


Sarawak Cancellations & Postal Rates 1858-1963 by W Batty-Smith et al


The Air Mails of Sarawak 1926-1941 by J Rogers


Sarawak – The De La Rue Story by W N Watterson


Sarawak Registration Cachets 1874-2000 by W Batty-Smith


Sarawak & Brunei – the De La Rue Ink Colours by W N Watterson


Sarawak Official Covers – a Survey by W N Watterson


Sarawak - 1932 Issue and Sarawak Telegrams – Details & Commentary

by N Watterson


Air Mail (Sarawak Government Air Service) The Pilot W H Phillips

by N Watterson




Labuan, Covers & Correspondence to 1879 by J Dickson


Concise Guide to the Queen's Head Issues of Labuan by R Price




The First Stamp of North Borneo : 1883 2 cents by L Parsborg


The Stamps & Postal History of North Borneo, part III  by L Shipman et al


3 Cents Postal Stationery Card of North Borneo by L Parsborg




Forces Postal Service in Borneo during the Confrontation

with Indonesia 1962-1966 by W Batty-Smith


Borneo: Japanese POW Camps – Mail of the Forces, POW and Internees by N Watterson

Boxed set of Parts 1&2 - Available. Part1 - Available, Part 2 – Available.

£20 (Box)

£10 (Pt 1) £10 (Pt 2)

British North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak Post-War Issues and the Crown Agents by N Watterson




Cumulative Index of the Sarawak Journal Vols 1-50




Memory Sticks


NEW N. Borneo First stamp 1883 & 3c Postal Stationary card. Studies by L Parsboro


Fiscal Use of Postage & Revenue Stamps of BNB & Labuan – I D Moore collection


Sarawak – The Rajah’s Officers by W Batty-Smith


The Stamps & Postal History of Sarawak & Supplement by L Shipman


Labuan, Covers & Correspondence to 1879 by J Dickson


Labuan; the Queen's Head Issues - a Plating Study by R Price


Usage of the Postal Stationary of North Borneo 1889-1920 by J Higgins


The Stamps & Postal History of North Borneo, part I by L Shipman




Sarawak Journal – Vols 1-70 and Cumulative Indexes Vols 1 – 50, Vols 51-70



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