Can I also have an
additional query (more the merrier – RJ)
added concerning the
Roger Birch
Please email answers to Webmaster
1. I have always read this as being imperf. horiz.
pair and imperf. vert pair. The best way to
identify them would be to contact SG Catalogue Editor at SG Publications,
Parkside, Ringwood, ,
Bill Batty-Smith
2. I have often wondered about this myself, but
the only explanation which makes sense to me is that it is a misprint in the
catalogue. These overprints were used because stocks of 1c were low and
the definitive replacements had not arrived. However the post office
still had remainders of the 1871 3c stamp which were hurriedly reprinted. It
would make sense that the varieties on the original 3c should be the same as
the varieties on the overprinted stamps. If you look at Gibbons SG
2 b and c they read:-
b. Imperf between (vert
c. Imperf between (horiz
I think this is how the Gibbons SG 27b and c should read.
Graham Woodhouse
3. My response: although I don't know
this issue very well and certainly can't provide illustrations of either
variety, I do know how the terms differ.
Both terms describe vertical pairs of stamps, but "imperf
between" means that the row of perforations between the two stamps is
missing, whereas "Imperf horizontally"
means that ALL the horizontal rows of perforations are missing. In other
words, SG27b will be perforated all round, while SG27c should be imperforate at
top and bottom of the pair as well as in between.
Does this make sense of the varieties which are known to exist
Andrew McClellan
4. I refer to my query #45 concerning
the definition of Sarawak SG27b & SG27c. I have just received the following
from Sue Price of Stanley Gibbons:
between" refers to a pair perforated around but not between a pair,
whether horiz. or vert.
horiz. (vert. pair)"
refers to a vertical pair perforated at left and right edges; with all three
horizontal directions imperf., i.e. top, bottom &
between stamps.
The embarassing point is
that this is actually explained in the intrductory
notes to the Brunei, Malaysia & Singapore catalogue (together with an
Roger Birch